Mornings are often so much of a rush that we go through them on automatic pilot noticing little of the world around us and only using our eyes to register what is happening. Taking only a few moments to engage our other senses can make a big difference to the beginning of our day. Here are a few ideas that take no time at all and won't make you late...I promise!
Really notice the taste and smell of your first drink in the morning and savour it as it washes away the thirst of the night.
Use a deliciously scented shower gel and inhale it's fragrance to wake you up. If you use body lotion and perfume have a good big sniff of that too.
When you leave the house pause for just a few seconds on the doorstep to take a deep breath and just look around and listen. I know it's a rush...but a couple of seconds won't make a difference!
If you have a commute you hate then you need to find a distraction. Make sure you have some favourite music to listen to, or even better, an audio book or podcast. If you are on public transport you could read a book or magazine. I once read Anna Karenina on my train journeys to work and was so thrilled I'd got through it I moved on to War and Peace. I didn't have to feel guilty for sitting reading either and delays caused by 'leaves on the line' or whatever were turned into a bonus (although my boss didn't agree on that one!).
The point is to try and make a stressful time more enjoyable, especially early in the morning as it can set the mood for the whole day.
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