Monday 21 October 2013

Dip Your Sponge in Autumn!

Autumn is my favourite time of year.  It's strange really because it heralds the arrival of Winter which is my least favourite season - give or take the odd snow day.  I think perhaps it stems back to my childhood - the new term, the handing out of interesting (sometimes anyway) text books, different classes and teachers and best of all brand new exercise books to write in....who doesn't love starting that first fresh blank page?  Then there was playing in the leaves and kicking them all over each other with our new shoes, collecting acorns to see who could get the most or biggest, conker fights in the playground and picking blackberries from the hedgerows to eat on the way home from school. We always seemed to do a lot of walking at that time of year too, mostly in woods to see the beautiful colours of the trees before they shed their leaves and to search for bright, highly poisonous toadstools, which we knew not to touch.

It hasn't lost any of its magic for me and I find that going for a country walk on one of those crisp bright days is a great way to refresh and replenish my sponge whilst also getting my dose of fresh air and exercise.  I still collect conkers and acorns to display on my windowsill (although I don't fight with them anymore...perhaps I should!), and love going blackberry picking.  You can eat as you go, licking sticky purple fingers all you like and then when you get home, if there is any left, you have a healthy, tasty and, best of all free, dessert for after dinner.

So go on....wait for a sunny day, put on your woolly jumper if you need to, and dip your sponge in Autumn!

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